marine corps jrotc

Booster Club
The East Coweta High School Marine Corps JROTC Booster Club welcomes you.
The Booster Club would like to take this opportunity to thank the many parents, instructors, students, sponsors and community leaders for your assistance and patronage in the past and hope that it will continue for many years to come. Your support is vital to the continued success of the program and you are appreciated.
Mission Statement:
ECHS MCJROTC Booster Club exists to promote positive parent and community involvement in the MCJROTC program in order to benefit the cadets. This involvement consists of the volunteer service required to foster the development of our young men and women. The Booster Club strives to embody the ideals of good citizenship and community service. We want to display the leader-ship principles and traits encouraged by the MCJROTC program by which our cadets are expected to adhere.
There are many ways to participate and we would welcome your input at our meetings and/or becoming involved in any of our exciting events throughout the year. Everyone has a talent or gift that would be beneficial to the program and appreciated. We are looking forward to a great year and we hope you will consider participating in the Booster Club.