marine corps jrotc

General Knowledge
General Orders
Leadership Principles
To take charge of this post and all government property in view.
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within site or hearing.
To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
To repeat all calls from posts, more distant from the guard house than my own.
To quit my post only when properly relieved.
To receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me orders from the Commanding Officer, Officer of the Day, officers and non-commisioned officers of the guard only.
To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
To sound the alarm in case of fire or other disorder.
To call the Corporal of the Guard in any case not covered by instructions.
To salute all officers, colors and standards not cased.
To be especially watchful at night and during the time of challenging, challenge all persons on or near my post and allow no one to pass without proper authority.
Leadership Traits
J - Justice – Being impartial and fair.
J - Judgment – Using facts to make sound decisions.
D - Decisiveness – Ability to reach sound decisions in a
timely manner.
I - Integrity – Complete truth and honesty.
D - Dependability – Completing assigned tasks completely.
T - Tact – The ability to deal with others without causing
I - Initiative – Seeing what needs to be done and getting it
done without being told to.
E - Enthusiasm – Sincere interest in performing your task.
B - Bearing – Creating a favorable impression, appearance.
U - Unselfishness - Placing the welfare of your subordinates
ahead of your own.
C - Courage – Mental quality that recognizes fear of danger
and criticism.
K - Knowledge – Learning information.
L - Loyalty – Faithfulness to your organization and yourself.
E - Endurance – Mental and physical strength.
Be technically and tactically proficient.
Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
Know your people and look out for their welfare.
Keep your people informed.
Set the example.
Insure that the task is understood, supervised and accomplished.
Train your people as a team.
Make sound and timely decisions.
Develop a sense of responsibility among subordinates.
Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities.
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
Chain Of Command
President of the United States: The Honorable Donald John Trump
Vice President of the United States: The Honorable Michael Richard Pence
Secretary of State: The Honorable Michael Richard Pompeo
Secretary of Defense: The Honorable James Norman Mattis
Director of Homeland Security: The Honorable
Secretary of the Navy: The Honorable
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: General Martin E. Dempsey
Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
Chief of Naval Operations: Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert
Commandant of the Marine Corps: General Joseph Dunford
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps: Sergeant Major Ronald L. Green
Director of the MCJROTC Program: Dr. William McHenry
Director, Second Region: Colonel Charles Delair
Senior Marine Instructor: Major Pete Merrill
Marine Instructor: MGSgt Mark Johnson
Cadet Staff
Cadet Commanding Officer:
Cadet Executive Officer:
Cadet Sergeant Major: