marine corps jrotc

1. What is the birth date of the Marine Corps? 10 November 1775
2. What is the birthplace of the Marine Corps? Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3. What are the 3 main parts of the USMC emblem and what do they stand for?
Eagle – Nation
Globe – Worldwide service
Anchor – Sea traditions
4. Who was the first Commandant of the Marine Corps? Captain Samuel Nicholas was the first officer commissioned in the Marine Corps and is therefore given credit for being the first commandant; however, the first official commandant, appointed by President John Adams was William Ward Burrows.
5. What is the Marine Corps motto, language, and meaning? Semper Fidelis, Latin, Always Faithful
6. What are the official colors of the Marine Corps? Scarlet and Gold
7. What is the name of the cross-shaped design worn on officers’ barracks caps? Quatrefoil
8. What is the name of the Marine officer’s sword? Mameluke
9. What Marine received this sword from the Pasha of Tripoli? Lt. Presley O’Bannon
10. What term was given to Marines for wearing the stiff leather collars? Leathernecks
11. Where did the blood stripe come from? From the bloodshed at the battle of Chapultepec during the Mexican War
12. What does gung-ho mean? Working together
13. Archibald Henderson was Commandant for 39 years. What nickname did he receive because of it? The Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps.
14. Who made the Marine Corps Band famous? John Phillip Sousa
15. Where did the nickname Devil Dog come from? From the fierce fighting by U.S. Marines during the battle of Belleau Wood in France during World War I. The Germans gave this nickname to the Marines.
16. What is the oldest post of the Marine Corps? Marine Barracks, 8th and I, Washington DC
17. Who is considered the Father of USMC aviation? Lt. Alfred A. Cunningham
18. Who is considered the most highly decorated Marine ever for earning 5 Navy Crosses? Lieutenant General Lewis “Chesty” Puller
19. What kind of animal is the Marine Corps mascot? English bulldog
20. What is the name of the Marine Corps mascot? Chesty
21. Who was the first female Marine? Opha Mae Johnson
22. What Marine earned the Medal of Honor during WWII for shooting down 28 Japanese aircraft and for leading the very successful Black Sheep Squadron? Major Gregory “Pappy” Boyington
23. What are the three types of American flags and what are their sizes?
Storm – 5’ on the hoist by 9’6” on the fly
Post – 10’ on the hoist by 19’ on the fly
Garrison – 20’ on the hoist by 38’ on the fly
24. When did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor? 7 December 1941
25. Admiral Nimitz stated, “Uncommon Valor was a Common Virtue” after which battle in World War II? Iwo Jima
26. What is the name of the high ground where the flag was raised during the battle of Iwo Jima? Mount Suribachi
27. Name two Marines who earned two Medals of Honor each for separate acts of heroism? Dan Daly and Smedley Butler
28. Where was the major amphibious landing in the Korean War? Inchon
29. What was the first major offensive victory for the Americans in the Pacific during World War II? Guadalcanal
30. During what war did Marines land at Inchon? Korea
31. What should be the first and last words you say when addressing adults and cadet officers? Sir/ma’am
32. What is the proper placement for ribbons on the male uniform shirt/coat? 1/8" above the left breast pocket and centered; or 1/8" above the shooting badge if worn.
33. When should your cover be worn? When outdoors or under arms
34. How are the enlisted ranks properly worn? Bisecting the angle of the collar, ½” from each edge.
35. What is the correct trouser length of uniform trousers? Male – At the juncture of the heel and shoe, +/- ¼” Female – At the juncture of the heel and shoe, +/- ½”.
36. What is the proper length for the skirt? At the center of the kneecap, +/- 1”
37. Describe the types of earrings female cadets can wear with the service or dress blue uniform. Small, polished, yellow gold color, ball, or round stud earrings not to exceed ¼” in diameter
38. Describe how a female cadet’s hair should be groomed or styled while in uniform. It will not be eccentric. It may touch the collar but not fall below the collar’s lower edge. It must be styled so as not to interfere with the proper wear of the cover.
39. Describe how female cadets should use make-up while in uniform. Applied conservatively and will compliment the individual’s skin tone. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles will not be worn. Non-eccentric lipstick and nail polish colors, to include colorless nail polish, may be worn with all uniforms. Fingernails with multiple colors and decorative ornamentation are prohibited. Nail length will be no longer than ¼” from the tip of the finger.
40. How should ribbons and shooting badges be placed on the female coat? Centered 1/8” above and parallel to the top edge of the upper left pocket. On female coats with slanted upper pockets, a horizontal line tangent to the highest point of the pocket will be considered the top of the pocket.
41. How should ribbons and shooting badges be placed on the female khaki shirt? Even with or up to 2” above the first visible button and centered on the left side so that they are in about the same position as when worn on the coat.
42. What is the proper length of the male cadet sideburns? They will not extend below the top of the orifice of the ear. They will not be styled to taper or flare. Individual sideburn hair will not exceed 1/8” when fully extended.
43. What is the proper length of the web belt? 2” – 4” from the end of the buckle to the tip of the belt.
44. When walking with a person senior in rank to you, which side should you walk on? The senior’s left side.
45. When boarding a naval ship, what do you salute first? The National Ensign (the flag)
46. When in uniform and approaching an officer, you should salute when you are approximately _________________ away?
6 – 30 paces away
47. When overtaking an officer going in the same direction, what do you say and do to render proper respect? Approach on the officer’s left side, salute, and say “By your leave, sir/ma’am” and then continue on when acknowledged.
48. How many Marine Divisions and Air Wings are there? Three active and one reserve each
49. What are the three styles of leadership? Authoritarian, participative, delegative
50. Name the 14 leadership traits. Justice, judgement, dependability, integrity, deciveness, tact, initiative, enthusiasm, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty, endurance
51. Name the 11 leadership principles. Know yourself and seek self-improvement; be technically and tactically proficient; know your subordinates; keep your subordinates informed; set the example; ensure the task is understood, supervised, and complished; train your subordinates as a team; make sound and timely decisions; develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates; employ your command in accordance with its capabilities; seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
52. What are four indicators of good leadership in a unit? Morale, esprit de corps, discipline, proficiency
53. What is the proper position of attention? Heels together, on line and touching, feet at a 45-degree angle, legs straight but not stiff, weight resting equally on each foot, hips and shoulders level, chest lifted, arms hanging naturally, thumbs along the trouser seams, palms facing inward, fingers joined in their natural curl, head and body erect, eyes straight ahead, mouth closed, chin pulled in slightly.
54. What is the proper position of “PARADE REST”? Heels 12” apart, legs straight with weight resting equally on each foot, hands joined behind your back with your right hand inside your left, palms to the rear and just above the belt. The right hand loosely holds the left thumb. Fingers are extended and joined. Head and eyes straight to the front, body erect, mouth closed.
55. What is the difference between ‘AT EASE, MARCH” and ‘ROUTE STEP, MARCH”? You can talk in a low voice at ‘ROUTE STEP,” but you cannot talk at all at “AT EASE.” You must maintain interval and distance at both.
56. What is the command to return to the position of attention from “DRESS RIGHT, DRESS”? “READY, FRONT”
57. What is the cadence at “QUICK TIME, MARCH”? 120 steps per minute
58. What is the length of a step in quick time and how is it measured? 30” measured from heel to heel.
59. What is the cadence at “DOUBLE TIME, MARCH”? 180 steps per minute.
60. What is the length of a step at “DOUBLE TIME, MARCH”? 36”
61. How far apart are the heels at “PARADE, REST”? 12”
62. What are the only commands which use unit designations, such as PLATOON, as preparatory commands? ATTENTION AND HALT
63. What is the length of a step in “RIGHT / LEFT STEP”? 12”
64. How high do you raise your feet in “MARK TIME, MARCH”? Raise each foot so that it is boot-top high and the toe is pointed to the deck.
65. What is the length of the step in “BACKWARD, MARCH”? 15”
66. When marching in the oblique, what is the command to halt the unit in the oblique? “IN PLACE, HALT”
67. What is the only command that can be given after the command “IN PLACE HALT”? “RESUME, MARCH”
68. When marking time or half-stepping in the oblique, what is the command to get the unit to resume the full marching step in the oblique? “RESUME, MARCH”
69. What are the only commands in drill where you step off with the right foot from the halt? RIGHT STEP, MARCH; ABOUT, FACE; STACK, ARMS
70. What can you do and not do at the position of “AT EASE”? You may move, as long as you keep your right foot in place. You may not talk.
71. What is the difference between “AT EASE’ and “REST”? You may talk at the position of REST.
72. What commands can be given while marching to change the direction of march 90 degrees to the right or left?
73. What command changes the direction of march slightly to the left / right? INCLINE TO THE LEFT / RIGHT
74. When required to exit a formation, what should you do? Take one 15” step to the rear, and exit the nearest flank.
75. What is the post of the Platoon Commander in a line formation? Six paces in front of and centered on the platoon.
76. What is the post of the Platoon Sergeant in a line formation when the Platoon Commander has taken command of the platoon? Last man in the last squad.
77. What are your actions when given the command “DRESS RIGHT, DRESS”? Turn your head and eyes to the right. At the same time, Raise your left arm parallel to the deck with your fingers extended and joined, palm downward. Position yourself so that your right shoulder touches the person’s fingertips to your right. Your heels should be together and on line, feet at a 45 degree angle.
78. What are the actions of each squad when receiving the command “OPEN RANKS, MARCH”?
1st Squad – Take two 30” steps forward, halt, execute “DRESS RIGHT, DRESS.”
2nd Squad – Take one 30” step forward, halt, execute “DRESS RIGHT, DRESS.”
3rd Squad – Stand fast, “DRESS RIGHT, DRESS.”
4th Squad – Take two 15” backward steps, execute “DRESS RIGHT, DRESS.”
79. What are the actions of each squad when receiving the command, “CLOSE RANKS, MARCH”?
1st Squad stands fast.
2nd Squad takes one 30” step forward.
3rd Squad takes two 30” steps forward.
4th Squad takes three 30” steps forward.
80. What are the four positions of rest? Parade rest, rest, at ease, fall out
81. What are the ranks in the Marine Non-rated enlisted category? Private, Private First Class, and Lance Corporal
82. What are the ranks in the Marine Non-Commissioned officer category? Corporal and Sergeant
83. What are the ranks in the Marine Staff Non-Commissioned category? Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant, Master Sergeant, First Sergeant, Master Gunnery Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
84. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Private (Pvt). Does not wear any rank insignia
85. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Private First Class (PFC). One stripe up
86. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Lance Corporal (LCpl). One stripe up with crossed rifles in the center
87. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Corporal (Cpl). Two stripes up with crossed rifles in the center
88. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Sergeant (Sgt). Three stripes up with crossed rifles in the center
89. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Staff Sergeant (SSgt). Three stripes up, one stripe down, with crossed rifles in the center
90. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt). Three stripes up, two stripes down, with crossed rifles in the center
91. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Master Sergeant (MSgt). Three stripes up, three stripes down, with crossed rifles in the center
92. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine First Sergeant (1stSgt). Three stripes up, three stripes down, with a diamond in the center
93. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt). Three stripes up, four stripes down, with bursting bomb in the center
94. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Sergeant Major (SgtMaj). Three stripes up, four stripes down, with a star in the center
95. Describe the rank insignia of the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. Three stripes up, four stripes down, the Marine Corps emblem in the center flanked by two stars in the center
96. What are the ranks in the Marine Company Grade Officer category? Warrant Officer One, Chief Warrant Officer Two through Five, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain.
97. What are the ranks in the Marine Field Grade Officer category? Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel
98. What are the ranks in the Marine General Officers Grade category? Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General, General
99. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Warrant Officer One (WO-1). A scarlet bar with one gold square
100. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Chief Warrant Officer Two (CWO-2). A scarlet bar with two gold squares
101. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO-3). A scarlet bar with one silver square
102. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Chief Warrant Officer Four (CWO-4). A scarlet bar with two silver squares
103. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Chief Warrant Officer Five (CWO-5). A silver bar with a scarlet stripe
104. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Second Lieutenant (2ndLt). A Gold bar
105. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine First Lieutenant (1stLt). A silver bar
106. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Captain (Capt). Parallel connected silver bars
107. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Major (Maj). Gold oak leaf
108. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol). Silver oak leaf
109. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Colonel (Col). Silver eagle
110. Describe the rank insignia of a Marine Brigadier General (BGen). One silver star
111. Describe the rank of a Marine Major General (MajGen). Two silver stars
112. Describe the rank of a Marine Lieutenant General (LtGen). Three silver stars
113. Describe the rank of a Marine General (Gen). Four silver stars
114. Describe the rank insignia of a Cadet Second Lieutenant. One silver disk
115. Describe the rank insignia of a Cadet First Lieutenant. Two connected silver disks
116. Describe the rank insignia of a Cadet Captain. Three connected silver disks
117. Describe the rank insignia of a Cadet Major. One silver diamond
118. Describe the rank insignia of a Cadet Lieutenant Colonel. Two connected silver diamonds
119. Which General Order instructs you to relay a message to the guardhouse from another post? Number 4 – To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.
120. Which General Order instructs you to notify authorities if something unusual or not covered by your instructions happens or is occurring? Number 9 – To call the corporal of the guard in any case not covered by instructions.
121. Which General Order specifies the manner in which you should walk your post? Number 2 – To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
122. Which General Order instructs what to tell the person that relieves you from your post? Number 6 – To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and non-commissioned officers of the guard only.
123. Your best friend has just committed a crime on your post. You decide not to turn him in. Which General Order have you
violated? Number 3 – To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
124. This General Order tells you what you are in charge of. Number 1 – To take charge of this post and all government property in view.
125. This General Order instructs you what to do at night to stop possible intruders. Number 11 – To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
126. You decide on your own to leave your post and go to a baseball game. What General Order have you violated? Number 5 – To quit my post only when properly relieved.
127. You are walking your post and an officer is approaching. He is authorized to be in the area but you are not supposed to talk to anyone except in the line of duty. What General Order should govern your actions? Number 10 – To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.
128. You are on duty and your friend comes by to spend some time with you “just to chat.” You inform him that that is not allowed according to which General Order? Number 7 – To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
129. You are walking your post and notice a brawl taking place in a club next to the base. It’s possible it could spill over onto the base. What General Order helps you decide what to do in this case? Number 8 - To give the alarm in case of fire or isorder.
130. What are the three Marine Corps Core Values? Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
131. What is Honor? The quality that guides Marines to exemplify ethical and moral behavior.
132. What is Courage? The mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism, butenables a leader to proceed in the
face of it with calmness and firmness.
133. What is Commitment? The dedication to carry out all unit tasks and to serve the values of the country, the MCJROTC,
and the unit.
134. What are the four types of Marine Corps uniforms? Dress, Service, Utility, and Physical Training.
135. What does the Lamp of Learning in the cadet rank signify? Intensive study, a source of intellect, and moral and spiritual
136. What is the name of the Marine Corps Band? The President's Own.