marine corps jrotc

Color Guard
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The practice of guarding national and unit flags (known as the "colors") on the battlefield is a practice that precedes even the founding of our nation. The earliest military color guards marched into battle as an honored part of their regiments, using the colors to inspire, guide and rally their units. Today, the tradition of safeguarding our national and organizational colors is ceremoniously upheld by the Marine Corps Color Guard. Comprising a detail of four Marines, the Marine Corps Color Guard renders the proper customs and courtesies while posting and retiring the American Flag. This honored tradition shows respect to our nation and those who have served it.
Various community and civic organizations may request ceremonial support from the Marine Corps for participation in appropriate events. The Color Guard is a four-member formation – consisting of the senior Marine and Color Sergeant carrying the National Colors, a Marine carrying the Marine Corps Colors, and two rifle bearers. The Color Guard is responsible for rendering appropriate military honors. This traditional formation adds dignity to any military-related activity, parade, or civic event by showing respect to our Nation and those who have served.
This is a 4 man/woman group that presents the flags at special ceremonies and games.
The senior ranking cadet should hold the American flag and call the commands.
The next highest rank should hold the Marine Corps flag.
The other two cadets will hold the left and right rifles.
The order of the color guard from left to right is: Left Rifle, Marine Corps Flag, American Flag, Right Rifle.