marine corps jrotc

Uniform Issue
The Marine Corps uniform has a proud and distinctive history of identifying its wearer as a member of the finest military organization in the world. The same should be said for MCJROTC cadets. The proper wearing of the uniform should be a matter of personal pride to all cadets. Knowing that one’s uniform is clean, neat, and conforming to regulations gives confidence and improves self-esteem. Achieving this, however, does require careful cleaning and storing. By following these guidelines, cadets will be rewarded by a uniform that projects the pride they will experience as a member of the MCJROTC
Cadets will receive instruction on the proper wearing of all uniforms. It is the responsibility of each cadet to ensure his or her uniform is cared for and worn when required. The wear of the MCJROTC uniform other than the occasions designated is strictly prohibited. Replacement of lost, stolen or damaged uniforms is the financial responsibilty of the cadet. Keep your uniforms in a safe place. DO NOT LEAVE UNIFORMS IN LOCKERS OR CARS. On uniform inspection days cadets are expected to adhere to the following.
Wear the complete uniform in the proper manner from the time you depart your home until arrival at school.
Wear the complete uniform in the proper manner throughout the school day.
Wear the complete uniform in the proper manner until you return to your home following school.
If you participate in an extracurricular activity after school such as band, baseball, etc., that requires activities that may soil the uniform, you may elect to bring other clothes to change into AFTER SCHOOL.
At no time will a partial uniform be worn or uniform parts be worn with non-uniform clothing.
At no time will the camouflaged uniform (utilities) be worn into any store or business establishment.
Civilian attire such as coats, sweaters, or windbreakers will NOT be worn with the uniform at any time. During extreme cold weather, a conservative dark jacket may be worn to school.
The uniform policy of the East Cowea High School MCJROTC is strict and is not subject to compromise. Repeated failure to wear the uniform properly and/or when required may result in a recommendation to the Principal to remove the cadet from the MCJROTC program. Cadets are responsible for preparing their uniforms for inspections. Instructors fully understand that cadets, especially the younger cadets, often times do not have the ability to send/retrieve their uniforms to/from the dry cleaners. Parents should contact the instructors if a cadet has a legitimate issue as to why they were unable to wear their uniform on the designated uniform inspection day. Waking late and rushing to catch the bus is not an excuse. At the very least, the uniform should be prepared for wear the night before. Should you have any questions concerning uniform inspection occasions contact the Senior Marine Instructor.
Camouflaged Utilities. All cadets will be issued this uniform.
This uniform should be loose fitting and comfortable. Alterations are prohibited.
Green undershirt is tucked into trousers.
The blouse is worn outside of the trousers.
The sleeves will be rolled up when directed by the Senior Marine Instructor.
The trousers will be bloused (not tucked in) at the top of the boots.
Dress Blue Uniform.
This uniform is issued to cadets that participate on The Drill Teams and Color Guards.
This uniform is earned through hard work and dedication to the team.
This uniform will be tailored to fit your body shape and size. Alterations other than that conducted by the MCJROTC tailor are strictly forbidden. The uniform will be tailored according to current Marine Corps Uniform Regulations, not individual requests or the current fashion style.
The trousers/slacks will be worn at the natural waist.
All buttons will be buttoned at all times.
No objects will be placed in the shirt pockets at any time.
Ink pens, pencils, or other such objects should not be seen at any time protruding from the uniform
The cover will be worn during appropriate times.
A white T-shirt will be worn under the Dress Blue Uniform. No objects will be placed in the shirt pockets at any time. Ink pens, pencils, or other such objects should not be seen at any time protruding from the uniform.
Service Uniform (Charlies). Not all cadets will be issued this uniform. If you are on the drill team or color guard, you will more than likely be issued this uniform.
The uniform will be tailored to fit the cadet’s body shape and size. Alterations other than that conducted by the MCJROTC tailor are strictly forbidden. The uniform will be tailored according to current Marine Corps Uniform Regulations, not individual requests or the current fashion style.
For males, the khaki shirt will be tucked in at all times with any extra material pulled to the back of the trousers. Instruction will be given on the proper manner in which to do this.
For females, the khaki shirt will be worn outside of the slacks.
The trousers/slacks will be worn at the natural waist.
All buttons will be buttoned at all times.
No objects will be placed in the shirt pockets at any time.
Ink pens, pencils, or other such objects should not be seen at any time protruding from the uniform.
For males a white crew neck T-shirt without designs or writing is worn underneath the khaki shirt.
Females may wear a white V-neck T-shirt without designs or writing underneath the khaki shirt so that the T-shirt does not show when worn.