marine corps jrotc

Ribbon Placement Diagram

(See Images of Ribbons at Bottom of Page)
Legion of Valor Ribbon – Awarded to one senior cadet per District who has a MCJROTC class standing in the top 25% of their class, has a school academic class standing in the top 25%, and has most demonstrated exemplary military leadership. Worn with the Bronze Cross device.
Marine Corps Reserve Officers’ Association Ribbon – Authorized for those cadets whose unit received recognition by placing either first, second, or third in competition for the outstanding MCJROTC unit.
American Legion Award for Scholastic Excellence Ribbon – Awarded to one cadet per school year who has an academic average earned on all courses other than MCJROTC inthe top 10% of the class and have grades in all MCJROTC subjects within the top 25%. Must have demonstrated qualities of leadership and actively participated in related student activities. Worn with Scholastic Excellence Device.
American Legion Award for Military Excellence Ribbon – Awarded to one cadet per school per year who has grades in all MCJROTC subjects within the top 25% and has demonstrated outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Worn with Military Excellence Device.
Sons of the American Revolution Ribbon – Awarded to a junior cadet who has exhibited the highest standards of leadership, soldierly bearing, and excellence.
Daughters of the American Revolution Ribbon – Presented to graduating cadet who is in the upper 25% of the graduating class in all subjects. Also, cadet must have demonstrated qualities of dependability and good character, military discipline, leadership ability, and understand the importance of JROTC.
Military Order of World Wars Ribbon – Presented to an outstanding first year cadet who excels in both military and scholastic activities, be in good standing in all military and scholastic courses, have indicated a desire to serve the United States in some capacity, and have committed to continue MCJROTC.
Military Officers Association of American Ribbon – Presented to cadet for outstanding academic achievement. The cadet must be in the top 10% of the class, have an “A” average in MCJROTC subjects, hold an officers billet in the unit, and be in the junior year of high school.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Ribbon – Presented to cadets who possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership both in and out of uniform. A minimum grade of “B” in MCJROTC, and a “C” in overall school academics. The cadet must be active in at least one other extracurricular activity or club, and may not be a former recipient of the award.
Daedalian Ribbon – Presented to junior cadet who has demonstrated an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation. Cadet must also show a desire and potential to pursue a military career, ranked in upper 10% of the MCJROTC junior class, and 20% of the school’s junior class.
Women Marines Association Ribbon – Presented annually to one second year cadet who has a satisfactory record of academic accomplishment and citizenship and has the highest leadership education grade in the unit.
National Sojourners Ribbon – Presented annually to sophomore or junior cadet, who is enrolled for the next year, is in the op 25% of class, and has encouraged and demonstrated ideals of Americanism.
Outstanding Cadet Ribbon – presented annually to the cadet who demonstrates a consistent superior performance in facets of the Leadership Education course, academic achievement in the top 25% of class in all academic subjects, and displays exceptional qualities of leadership.
Student Leadership Ribbon – presented to cadets who hold an elected office in the student body of the school.
Officer Leadership Ribbon – presented annually to that cadet officer who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, discipline, character, military bearing, and military proficiency.
NCO Leadership Ribbon – presented annually to that cadet NCO who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, discipline, character, military bearing, and military proficiency.
Civic Service Ribbon – used to recognize outstanding community service or noteworthy unit participation performed by a cadet.
Best Drill Cadet Ribbon – presented annually to the cadet(s) who demonstrate superior performance in comparison with other cadets in the following categories: manual of arms in position, manual of arms while marching, and military bearing and appearance.
Distinguished Scholastic Achievement Ribbon – awarded annually to cadet(s) who have maintained an “A” average in academic subjects to include MCJROTC Leadership Education and/or be in the top 10% of the class.
Arts and Academics Ribbon – presented to any cadet who participates in interscholastic competition pertaining to academics or the arts.
Distinguished Military Training Ribbon – presented annually to the cadet who demonstrates superior performance in the academic phase of the MCJROTC curriculum and outstanding proficiency and achievement in all other facets of the MCJROTC program.
Physical Achievement Ribbon – awarded to any cadet who scores 250 or more points on the National Youth Physical Fitness Program test sponsored by the Marine Crops League.
Athletic Participation Ribbon – presented to cadets who participate in interscholastic athletics.
Longevity/Fidelity Ribbon – presented to those cadets who have successfully participated in the MCJROTC program for 2 years and have met all the requirements of Leadership Education I and Leadership Education II.
Distinguished Conduct Ribbon – presented to any cadet whose conduct and demeanor are worthy of special recognition.
Best Drill Squad Ribbon – presented annually to those cadets comprising the best drill squad as determined through competition with other drill squads in the unit, to be superior in the following categories: manual of arms in position, manual of arms while marching, military bearing and appearance.
Color Guard Ribbon – awarded to those cadets who distinguished themselves as members of the unit’s color guard.
Drill Team Ribbon – presented annually to those cadets who comprise the unit drill team in drill competition. Worn with the Drill Team bar device.
Orienteering Ribbon – presented to cadets who successfully participate in required orienteering training and practical application.
Recruiting Ribbon – presented either to cadets who participate in recruiting visits and activities with the middle schools during the school year, or to cadets who get another Ruskin/Hickman Mills High School Student to sign-up for the MCJROTC program for the following school year.
Senior Leadership Course Ribbon – presented to cadets for successful completion of the MCJROTC sponsored Senior Leadership Course.